どうもNAKAMEBIYAです! (English follows)
- 味について自分の好みを明確にした上で自分なりの評価を付ける
- 料理について正直に何が好きじゃなかったかについて書くときは書く
- 評価基準:
- 5つ星:間違いなくオススメ、絶対にまた来店・注文したい
- 4つ星:オススメ、ちょくちょく来店・注文したい
- 3つ星:可もなく不可もなく、たぶんまた来店・注文するかな?
- 2つ星:うーん、、、また来店・注文することは無さそう
- 1つ星:次の来店・注文はない
- クレジットカード決済推奨人間でお店に導入も促したいので、クレカ受付可否も書く
- グーグルマップリンクを掲載する
- 英語での投稿も外国人読者にバリューがあると判断した場合は掲載するかも(?)
How’s it going? I am Nakamebiya, the blog author of this amazing (to be) food blog featuring Nakameguro and neighborhood along Hibiya line. I live in Nakameguro and work in Roppongi.
After living in California for over five years, I reluctantly came back to Japan for my new job in the beginning of 2019. I was “reluctant” because I had to leave a chill, comfy, laid-back life in California with rich diversity for a stressful big city life in Tokyo, picturing cramming myself into an over-packed train…. However, the place I happen to choose to live – Nakameguro – was actually not a bad place to live after couple months.
As a guy who was raised in a multi-cultural country and a guy whose priority for food is high, Nakameguro, a neighborhood with wide variety of food places – fancy Italian, ethnic foods, Japanese foods etc – was a great fit.
Plus, Nakameguro is the terminal station for the Hibiya Line which leads to high-class neighborhood like Hiroo and Ginza, melting pot Roppongi and fish market Tsukiji! It has been fun exploring weekend cafes and lunch spots around my work.
With that said, I am tracking my record of exploration through my blog/instgram to share with you guys. Hope you enjoy!
[Blog Policy]
- I will clarify my preference/taste and then give my review.
- I will be honest when I did not like about the food.
- Rating Criteria:
- 5-stars: Definitely recommend, will come back/order again for sure
- 4-stars: Pretty good, will come back /order again time to time
- 3-stars: Okay. Nothing special. Maybe I will come back/order
- 2-stars: Meh. Won’t come back/order
- 1-star: Never come back/order
- I am a pro-credit-card guy so I will comment on the acceptance.
- I will post google map link on each post.
- I will post English review when it is definitely recommended. (Feel free to request if you see a Japanese post that interests you)